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Guest room design

The design of the guest room is a a fundamental aspect to guarantee the comfort and welcome of guests in your own home. Whether they are relatives, friends or simple visitors, creating an inviting and welcoming space can make all the difference in your guests' overall experience. In this article, we will explore various considerations and suggestions for designing the bedroom guests, helping you create an environment that is functional, comfortable and welcoming.

Space planning

When you start designing When decorating a guest room, it's important to start with one accurate space planning. Consider the size of the room and identifies the most suitable layout. Think about how to position the bed, the furnishings and storage spaces so as to maximize the use of space available. Make sure there is enough space for essential furniture such as a comfortable bed, a wardrobe or chest of drawers, and a desk or area of work, if necessary.

Choice of bed

The bed is the central element of a guest room and should be chosen carefully. Opt for an appropriately sized bed, which can accommodate a person or a couple comfortably. Also consider the comfort of the mattress and accessories such as pillows and blankets. Make sure to provide clean, quality linens for your guests, along with extra blankets to adapt to different temperature preferences.

Colors and materials

The choice of colors and materials for your guest room can influence the overall feel of the space. Opt for neutral, calming colors that promote a calm and inviting atmosphere. Light tones like white, beige, and gray are often a safe choice, but you can also play with color accents to add personality to the room. As for the materials, make sure they are of good quality and easy to clean to keep the guest room tidy and welcoming.

Furnishings and storage spaces

Guest room decor should be functional and practical. In addition to the bed, consider including a desk or a work area, an armchair or comfortable chair and a coffee table or bedside table to place personal items. Make sure there are spaces Adequate storage, such as dressers, cabinets or shelves, to allow your guests to store their personal belongings during their stay. A little wardrobe or a shoe rack can be particularly useful for keeping the room tidy.

Privacy and additional accessories

Remember to provide your guests with some privacy in the their room. In addition to windows equipped with adjustable curtains or shutters for the light control, you can also consider installing screens or separators to create a separate area for rest. Add some too extra accessories to make your guests' stay more pleasant, such as full-length mirrors, accessible electrical outlets, a TV or system audio and a table lamp for soft light.

Attention to detail

Finally, don't forget to pay attention to details in the design of the guest room. Add some elements decorative such as paintings, plants or personal objects that can make it more welcoming space. Make sure the room is well lit, with a combination of ambient lights and functional light points. Also provide a set of clean towels and bathroom accessories so that your guests can feel at home.


The design of the guest room is a process that requires care and attention to detail. Create a welcoming space and comfortable for your guests will help make their stay pleasant and memorable. Remember to plan the space intelligently, to choose quality furnishings and materials, to pay attention to details and to provide additional accessories to enhance your guests' experience. With proper planning, your guest room will become an oasis of comfort and hospitality.


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